Trading $DFC
Where and how to buy $DFC
$DFC Token launching soon, no trading has commenced.
Keep Safe: Always check links, contract addresses and wallet connections against official sources.
The basics
$DFC is De-Fighters native token, hosted on the Binance Smart Chain. $DFC is tradable on RadioShack DEX - Trading pair open for BNB (Bep-20) / $DFC. Contract Address: 0xA91CC4EA23Cc3822691b066526015CFa0De5adfd Pair Address: TBA Buy/Sell/Transfer Tax: 8/8/8 Terms and Conditions can be found here.
Navigate to
Connect your wallet and approve RadioShack DEX. Ensure BSC chain has been selected.
Select the appropriate trading pair, $DFC, you may trade with BNB, BUSD or other tokens found on RadioShack DEX Input your desired trading amounts in the given text boxes. Ensure you have the correct Slippage Tolerance selected, or use AUTO slippage, given the current trading conditions, Slippage can be adjusted under the settings tab.
Once these conditions have been met, select the Swap button, and approve the transaction via your wallet. You are now the proud new owner of $DFC!!!
Last updated