The Cycle

De-Fighter flowchart

The De-Fighter cycle breaks down the flow pattern of the platform, illustrating the sustainability model and rewards avenues.

Entry into the game requires users to buy $DFC, acquire an NFT and Stake $DFC. This opens the user up to 4 game modes; Fight-to-earn, Tournament, FreePlay and Sponsor. More info about individual game modes can be found here.

The Rewards Pool is our hub for incoming and outgoing $DFC, a majority % holder as outlined in the Tokenomics, implemented as a buffer for scalability and project longevity. The Rewards Pool is replenished via 2% transaction tax buy/sell. Rewards are also distributed from the pool to winners of the Fight-to-Earn mode.

Our Staking Ladder incentivises users to Re-Stake rewards, this is a unique and integral component to the cycle, and allows for recapture of circulating supply. More info on the staking ladder can be found here.

Last updated